Why you should look at asbestos removal in Wellington

Wellington City infrastructure

DIY is in our DNA, or so the Mitre 10 ad tells us. And in most cases, that’s the truth. We can whip up a new fence in half a day, or even build a vegetable garden in half that time. But when it comes to asbestos, you should leave it to the experts.

Asbestos is a dangerous but naturally-occurring mineral that featured in millions of building products over the decades. It was commonplace throughout New Zealand, but also the world as well. While we now know it’s harmful to our health, it still exists. And there’s every possibility that we will never be free of it.

However, in the case of damaged or exposed building materials that might contain asbestos, it’s paramount that you look at asbestos removal in Wellington. You can then get the ball rolling for living in a home that’s free of harmful building materials. However, that’s not the only reason. Read on to find out why asbestos removal in Wellington is more important than you might think.

For house prices

The house prices in Wellington are astounding. In 2016, a simple townhouse was worth around $434,000. Now? You wouldn’t get any change out of $629,000. The problem with skyrocketing house prices is that many entry-level buyers can only afford properties that might require substantial renovations.

For those buyers, it’s imperative to look at asbestos removal in Wellington. If you buy a house that requires renovation, you need to look at the possible building products that contain asbestos. If they are not in good condition, and asbestos exposure is a genuine risk, then calling in the experts in its containment and removal is essential.

Once you take care of the problem, which could be minor or significant, you’re then likely to see an increase in the value of your home. Asbestos is no longer a risk, and you’ve added genuine value to a property you can now potentially sell for profit.

For your health

It’s a no-brainer. You should look at asbestos removal in Wellington for your health. There is a definite link between four cancer types and asbestos, not to mention an additional three tumour-type cancers, as well.

Exposure to asbestos fibres, which often stay in the lining of your organs, can result in a myriad of different non-cancer conditions, too, such as mesothelioma and asbestosis. If you want to keep your family and friends safe in your home, then look at asbestos removal in Wellington for exposed and damaged asbestos-laden materials.

For the health of your friends and neighbours

There are around 5,000 house fires in New Zealand every year, and the majority of them are accidental. Most people don’t set out to destroy their homes and put others at risk, but it can happen when you least expect it.

There have been many instances in Wellington and further afield of house fires starting in roofs. The problem is, many of these roofs contain asbestos, which may be putting neighbouring properties at risk. Asbestos removal in Wellington may be something you’d like to consider if your roof is old, exposed, or damaged. A Wellington-based asbestos removal expert can help you form a plan of attack.

It even affects our city’s infrastructure

An average homeowner of a property with asbestos might have concern for their family. They might be thinking about renovations, budgets, the cost of asbestos removal in Wellington, and the logistics surrounding removing it or keeping it. But while you’ve got your own personal battle, the city has one too – namely, the piping situation.

It has long been known that Wellington’s water system is, well, tired. By 2019, there were around 920 leaks in the Porirua, Hutt Valley, and Wellington water system. The number of reported leaks had skyrocketed between 2014 and 2019, as well.

Wellington City Councillors say the pipes are at the end of their lifespan, and dealing with that issue is something that is still yet to be considered. But as with anything old, there’s a high chance they are affected by asbestos.

The chief executive of Wellington Water, Colin Crampton, said many of the pipes beneath Wellington featured old, no longer suitable materials, such as asbestos, cast iron, cement, and earthenware.

By directing funds to the water system, rather than other less urgent infrastructure, the city can reduce the risk of further pipe failure, and even the potential risk of exposure to hazardous materials. Asbestos removal in Wellington in this instance can be quite paramount.

It’s Time to Act

Damaged building materials from pre-1990s properties can put you at risk of asbestos exposure if they are found to contain it. If you believe your home has damaged or exposed asbestos, then act fast. Get in touch with an asbestos removal team in Wellington who can provide quotes and an assessment before they take care of the job.

Klaris Chua-Pineda