The meth issue for landlords
As a landlord, you want to make sure your property asset is in best condition.
Unfortunately, meth contamination is a growing issue in New Zealand rental properties.
Meth Testing for Landlords
Tenants are becoming more and more secretive when it comes to meth usage, which can make it sometimes impossible to detect. The best way to confirm if there is meth in your rental property is to test after every tenant. For this, we recommend a baseline or indicative test which just shows if there is meth present in the property. This type of meth test doesn’t indicate the levels of meth contamination however this is the probably the most affordable way of meth testing to ensure the health and safety of your property.
Unfortunately you cannot evict a tenant on the basis of a positive baseline test. Landlords and tenants can only terminate a tenancy on short notice if the meth test was taken according to standards.
Tenants and Meth

Meth decontamination for landlords
Chemcare are the market leaders for fast and effective meth decontamination. We are proud of our 100% success rate successfully remediating properties with minor contamination, right through to confirmed methamphetamine laboratories with levels over 1000µg/100cm2.
Turn around times vary on the urgency of the job, which we can always accomodate for. Chemcare is always on site, no later than five days after the initial enquiry - and normally within three days. This gives us time to send through a fixed price and receive a deposit to develop a full bespoke scope of works, solely for your property.
What to do if a tenant is living in a meth contaminated property
If you've discovered that your property is contaminated and you have tenants living inside, we strongly suggest seeking advice from an independent accredited sampling company. There is a high risk of cross contamination of the tenants contents which may require decontamination or disposal. Temporary accomodation may be required until it's established that levels are above the NZS8510 standard.
“Prices can start from as little as $350.00 per room for precautionary cleaning of areas below 1.5µg 100cm2.”